I'm currently working at Rockstar Games as an Associate AI Programmer. I graduated from Colby College in May 2022 and have completed two amazing internships at MedRhythms, Inc.
As a game developer, I am leveraging my passion for writing code and engineering to bring invaluable experiences and stories to gamers around the globe. My goal is to eventually combine my love for video games with my interest in digital therapeutics & develop cutting-edge technologies to improve the health of countless individuals.
When I'm not in front of a computer screen, I'm likely dominating fantasy football leagues, forming strong opinions of movies with absolutely no qualification or education to do so, or ordering a sugar-free vanilla coffee at a local cafe.
Art installation for CS267 taught at Colby College. The audience approaches a blank canvas, and a webcam snaps a photo of them. A neural style transfer is then performed on the image, and the user is "painted into" a famous work of art.
A game that I built during high school for my local elementary schools to help kids develop mental math skills. Created in the Unity Game Engine. Received feedback from school teachers and improved accordingly.
We were going to recreate the classic arcade game Pole Position using FPGA, writing in VHDL for Altera DE1 Boards. Then, some magic happened, and we ended up with The Pseudo Three Dimensional Ant-Man Driving Simulator With Awesome Coinage.
A collection of projects using Ruby, Rust, Go, and C for CS333 at Colby College.